Happy New Year!
Welcome to a New Year – it’s been a very hot and hazardous start to 2020 in many parts of the country and we hope this finds you all safe.
We look forward to assisting many practices with their upcoming accreditation and have some helpful hints in this issue of our newsletter.
Fire & Drought Resources
The RACGP has published a number of resources to assist in the provision of mental health care to communities impacted by disaster as well as resources to help GPs that relate to self-care:
- Information for GPs impacted by bush fires
- Fact Sheet: Mental health in emergencies and disasters
- Self-care and mental health resources for general practitioners
Advice About Using P2 Masks
The Acting Chief Medical Officer and State and Territory Chief Officers have issued a statement regarding the use of masks during exposure to bush fire smoke. The statement includes information about the best ways to protect yourself and how to use a mask effectively … read the Statement.
Employment Conditions During Natural Disasters
If you are forced to close your practice as the result of a natural disaster, you will need to keep your employees updated about the stand-down period and determine any entitlements they may have. In the case of a natural disaster, the Fair Work Act 2009 allows for employees to be stood-down – find out more information on the Fair Work website.
Measles Vaccination Catch-up Guide
The MMR vaccine is a government-funded vaccine for anyone born after 1965 who has not previously received two (measles-containing) vaccines. The National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) has produced a catch-up guide for immunisation providers.
Increase In Postage Rates
Australia Post has announced an increase in postage rates from 2 January 2020 … read more
MBS Online
The 1 January 2020 MBS files (XML, DOC, PDF and ZIP) are now available to download: January 2020 Downloads Page. A summary of the changes is available on the January 2020 Latest News page.
Read our full January newsletter >