Resources for General Practice

Useful Links for Accreditation

RACGP Standards for General Practices – 5th Edition
General practices who wish to gain accreditation need to do so via an independent accreditation agency.

Accreditation Agencies
There are four accreditation agencies to choose from:

Standards 5th edition Suite
A range of resources to assist in improving the safety and quality of general practice in Australia

The National Vaccine Storage Guidelines ‘Strive for 5’ – 3rd edition
Practices must have have a cold chain management policy that complies with these Guidelines.

RACGP Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines
Infection prevention and control guidelines for general practices and other office-based and community-based practices.

RACGP Emergency Response Tool (ERPT)
The ERPT is a cloud-based, online tool that assists general practices to prepare for, respond to and recover from the impacts of emergencies and pandemics.

RACGP Managing Emergencies in General Practice
A guide for preparation, response and recovery.

RACGP Managing Pandemic Influenza in General Practice
A guide for prevention, preparation, response and recovery – includes Word template for ‘Pandemic Flu Kit’.

RACGP Emergency Planning and Response in General Practice
Fact Sheet: Extreme Weather in Australia.

RACGP Disaster Resources for General Practice
A series of Fact Sheets for managing emergencies in general practice.

RACGP Information Security in General Practice
Information security is critical to the provision of safe, high-quality healthcare and the efficient running of a general practice. 

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Australian privacy law has strict rules about how  health providers can collect, use and disclose health information.

RACGP Privacy and Managing Health Information in General Practice
Examines the Privacy Act 1988 incorporating the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and the relevant health records legislation.

Handy Links for Practices

We are delighted to announce our alliance with CUBIKO. This powerful app allows practice managers to see how their clinic is performing across a broad range of metrics at the snap of a finger. Try their Cubiko Assist for a free tool of 12 metrics and when ready, dive in to the deep end with Cubiko and its 500 metrics. All Medical Directions clients get a 10% discount on the first year of Cubiko!

Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme
The NDB scheme sets mandatory notification and control requirements for data breaches involving personal information held by an organisation.

RACGP Responding to a Cybersecurity Incident
A Fact Sheet on responding to a cybersecurity incident to help GPs and practice staff in the aftermath of a cyberattack. 

MBS Online
The Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) is a listing of the Medicare services subsidised by the Australian Government

Services Australia
Services, payments and programs for health professionals and practice staff.

Practice Incentives Program (PIP)
PIP encourages general practices to continue providing quality care, enhance capacity, and improve access and health outcomes for patients.

NPS MedicineWise
National Prescribing Service for health professionals.

Posters – PPE and Patient Alert
The RACGP has developed a number of posters to support general practices in preventing the spread of infectious diseases ‐ including Don/Remove PPE and Patient Alerts.

National Standard for Labelling Dispensed Medicines
Dispensed medicine labels must include the essential information the consumer needs to take their medicines safely and effectively. This resource is available to download on the Commission’s website and was updated in July 2021.

Training Resources

Educational Video Series by Kathryn Davis
Aimed at assisting general practices comply with each Indicator of the 5th Standards.

KnowNOW! Training Register
This is the perfect place to log all your practice team’s training. You can enter the training undertaken, the provider, date, and CPD hours.

HotDoc Webinars
Series of free webinars for practice staff (generally attract 1 CPD hour per webinar). Includes triage, infection control, cold chain management.

HotDoc Reception Training Hub
CPD content to teach receptionists and practice managers front desk and practice management skills.

HotDoc Preventative Health Hub
Helpful resources for practices looking to improve their preventative health outreach.

HotDoc Marketing for Practices Hub
Everything you need to know to attract more patients online, whether you’re an established practice or just starting out.

National Hand Hygiene Initiative
Learning Management System containing online learning modules and the Hand Hygiene Compliance Application for hand hygiene auditing purposes.

Infection Prevention and Control eLearning Modules
A suite of eLearning modules developed by the Commission to provide information on the principles of infection prevention and control in healthcare settings.

BloodSafe eLearning Australia
Transfusion practice and patient blood management online education.

eLearning for Cybersecurity
The Digital Health Security Awareness course includes five modules. The modules include examples that relate specifically to healthcare organisations.


RACGP General Practice Policy and Procedure Templates
Templates to assist general practices to meet their professional and legislative obligations; and to meet and maintain accreditation.

RACGP Social Media
The RACGP have developed a Guide for the use of social media in general practice.

RACGP Patient Privacy Pamphlet Template
The RACGP has developed a privacy policy template for general practices for compliance with the requirements of the Australian Privacy Principles (APP). 

RACGP Internet and Email Policy Template
The RACGP has provided an internet and email policy template for general practices to adapt to the needs of their practice.

Email Auto Responder – Template (Medical Directions) 
RACGP suggests that practices have an automated response to patient emails that advises them of when they are likely to
receive a response.

Financial Consent Form – Template (Medical Directions)
Recommended for procedures performed in the practice.

Employment Resources

Fair Work Ombudsman
Information and advice about workplace rights and obligations.

Fair Work Information Statement
Employers must give every new employee a copy of the Fair Work Information Statement before, or as soon as possible after, they start their new job.

Health Professionals and Support Services Award 2020 – MA000027
Covers administration staff working in the practice.

Nurses Award 2020 – MA000034
The nurses Award Covers: employers and their employees in the health industry.

Employers who employ nurses and midwifes

Medical Practitioners Award 2020 – MA000031
Covers doctors employed in general practice.

SEEK – Illegal Interview Questions
Questions you can’t ask candidates during an interview.

Hiring Employees checklist
A checklist and tips for small business owners to help meet Australian laws when hiring an employees.