- our practice’s address and telephone numbers
- our consulting hours and details of arrangements for care outside normal opening hours
- our practice’s billing principles
- a list of our practitioners
- our practice’s communication policy, including when and how we receive and return telephone calls and electronic communications
- our practice’s policy for managing patient health information (or its principles and how full details can be obtained from the practice)
- how to provide feedback or make a complaint to the practice
- details on the range of services we provide
Information about your practice …
Information about your practice is important to all patients. A good way to ensure your patients have up-to-date information about your practice – and to comply with Criterion C1.1 in the 5th Standards – is to have a printed patient information brochure and a website. Both the brochure and the website should be updated as changes occur e.g. when a GP leaves the practice, or a new GP starts. As per Criterion C1.1 – Information about your practice the minimum information that you must provide to your patients is: